Digital News

‘We may be among the 25 happiest countries in world’: Survey | The Statesman
HappyPlus Consulting measured happiness among Indians at both the macro and the micro-level, a first for any happiness survey for India. HappyPlus Consulting, India’s happiness

भ्रष्टाचार से दुःखी हैं 43 प्रतिशत भारतीय; जानिए किस राज्य के लोग रहते हैं ज्यादा खुश ? | ज़ी सलाम
नई दिल्लीः एक नवीनतम अध्ययन में दावा किया गया है कि करीब 43.2 प्रतिशत भारतीयों की खुशी भ्रष्टाचार से प्रभावित होती है और महिलाओं के

Corruption affects happiness of 43.2% Indians, study finds | Business Standard
HappyPlus Consulting’s India-focussed State of Happiness’ report has found that Indians are happier than before and the country’s life-evaluation score is 6.84. Corruption affects the

Indians happier then before, but corruption gives them the blues: Study | CNBCTV18
Corruption affects the happiness of 43.2 percent Indians, with men having lower perception of corruption than women, according to a new study. HappyPlus Consulting’s India-focussed

Corruption affects happiness of 43.2 per cent Indians: Study | The Tribune
Corruption affects the happiness of 43.2 per cent Indians with men having lower perception of corruption than women, according to a new study. HappyPlus Consulting’s

‘Corruption affects happiness of 43.2% Indians’ | millenniumpost
New Delhi: Corruption affects the happiness of 43.2 per cent Indians with men having lower perception of corruption than women, according to a new study.