"Happiness & Wellbeing Award" Event Date:

January, 2025

Advance Insights

Advance Analytics based on Relative Weight Analysis, 4-Quadrant Matrix, Scatter Plot, Correlation and Crosss tabulation to discover deeper insights.

Feature highlights

Launch and administer Exit surveys.

Multi-lingual Survey i.e. survey available in multiple languages.

Exit Question analysis & reporting at overall level ,demographics level and individual level.

Send surveys to work or personal emails.

Identify the most trending keywords used by your employees.

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Excel, PowerPoint & PDF exports feature.

Analytics based on important metrics, Reasons for leaving insights.

How it will Help?

4 Quadrant Matrix

it is a 2*2 matrix comparative analysis of two indexs such as happiness vs engegement, manager vs engagement and stress vs engagement and more.


Cross-tabulation, also known as cross-tab or contingency table, is a statistical tool used for categorical data in analyze the relationship between two or more variables. Generally, survey results are presented in aggregate – meaning, you only see a summary of the results, one question at a time. Cross tabulation takes this one step further and enables you to see how one or more questions reponse correlate to each other. This type of analysis can reveal a relationship in your data that is not initially apparent.


Correlation is a statistical term that describes the strength of the relationship between two drivers. It's a measure of how two questions are related.it's value measured between -1 and +1,when the correlation coefficient is close to +1, there is a positive correlation between the two variables,If the value is close to -1, there is a negative correlation between the two variables,when the value is close to zero, then there is no relationship between the two variables.

How it can Help?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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