"Happiness & Wellbeing Award" Event Date:

January, 2025

HappyPlus and BW Businessworld presents

The Happiest Workplaces Award

In association with BW People

We recognize employers who are making a difference to Happiness & Employee well-being at the workplace!

The ambition of the Happiest Workplace Award is defined with the purpose and vision to celebrate those organizations which exhibit the focus of Employee Wellbeing & Employee Happiness as part of ‘Business Sustainability and ‘Business Growth’.

How it works

Accelerate Business Growth.
Create a sustainable, healthy, and happy workplace.





Low Stress



Shareholder Values

Aligned Purpose

Customer Loyalty

Innovative Mind

Sole towards Society




What does (+) mean for ‘Happiest Workplaces’?

Happy+ believes the organization has its unique pathway to experience happiness. This holistic view – Organization’s Commitment and Employee Ownership’ coupled with behavioural science, reinforces the forward-thinking attitudes and differentiates as Happiest Workplaces!

Execution Approach

We combine science and real world experience and make the process simple to bring to your organization the best practices


Get a scientific analysis to understand the organization’s priority: • Happiness, Stress & Engagement, Leadership and Manager • Practice Design Maturity


Empower organizations with actionable Insight • Organizational Overall Level Dashboard • Happiness and Stress Index • Engagement Index • Leadership and Manger Index

Screening & Analysis

Review organization's people processes to understand design and integration of evaluation of scores

Evaluation & Announcement

Evaluation of finalist based on the research and analysis and announcement of winners through award ceremony

Why get Happiest Workplaces – Certified ?

Plugin Business Strategy and Human Experience

Work & Life Experience

Work and life integration where employee’s Experience Empowerment and basics are being taken care of by the organization. The actions at the organization are value-driven & purposeful.

Actionable path

Discover actionable paths of growth using behavioral science and have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction, turnover, bottom line results, maximize talent potential and overall growth

Employee’s brand

Design for happiness and success – When employers are design the business growth strategy keeping employee wellbeing as integral part, success & growth is unavoidable and it becomes Employee’s brand internally and externally (Attract & Retain people)

Recognize the efforts

Earn and establish a crediability worldwide as a happiest workplace and demonstrate a long-term, in depth commitment towards business, people and for society

Experience the simple and tech-friendly process

We believe in a simple and easy user experience. An effective and tech-enabled approach to help organizations (large or small scale) at various levels of Workplace wellbeing to apply seamlessly

Step 1

Online registration

Step 2

select assessment window & finalize requirements

Step 3

go live

Step 4

get dashboard & snapshot analysis

Step 5

first level screening & evaluation

Step 6

announcement of winners

Thank You!

We are here to help and answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hear from you.

Dr. Ashish Ambasta


Is a Happiness Evangelist, Founder & CEO at HappyPlus. After working in different firms including Indian conglomerates and world-renowned consulting firms, he has decided to devote his life to improving happiness around the world through Happy+, the company he founded.

Email: ashish@happyplus.in

Shyamasree Chakrabarty

Senior Director

The Senior Director at HappyPlus has extensive experience in working with people, projects and processes across industries and geographies. She has done Masters in Statistics (majoring in Operations Research.)

Email: shyamasree@happyplus.in

For Nominations

Connect with
Devika Kundu Sengupta
Mobile – +91 98716 54991
Email – devika@businessworld.in
Ashish Kumar
Mobile – +91 97179 22747
Email – ashish.kumar@businessworld.in
Reeti Gupta
Mobile – +91 9899610630
Email – reeti@businessworld.in

For Event Sponsorships
Somyajit Sengupta
Mobile – +91 98182 47444
Email – somyajit@businessworld.in
Shruti Arora
Mobile – +91 79826 28913
Email – shruti.arora@businessworld.in
Or fill in the details for the nomination & we will get back to you at the earliest!
